About Buzz.

Daniil Potapov

Founder of Buzz Power Banks 

In October of 2022, I was sitting in a restaurant. I asked a waiter to charge my phone, but he refused and I was left with no battery. 

Then, I decided to solve this issue around the whole country and bring safety to everyone in the Netherlands. No more battery stress with Buzz nearby. 

Our research has shown that 83% of people charge their phones twice per day. Often, we need the power in the most uncomfortable moments. Therefore, Buzz is now there to charge your phone. 

+5000 users

Hundreds of people use Buzz daily. 

+40 locations

Our power banks are available at more than 40 locations in 2 cities.

+20% Loyal

+20% of users rent over 3 times. 

What Our Clients Say

Install a free power station at your venue 

We will show you how everything works and install it in less than 30 minutes.